Veiklos moduliai

"Moodle" numatyti plataus spektro veiklos moduliai/užsiėmimai/užduotys, kuriuos galima naudoti kuriant bet kokio pobūdžio kursą.

 360 Degree Diagnostics and Gap Analysis Tool

This module is designed to implement a 360 degree competency analysis. This method of assessment is also referred to as "multisource feedback." An individual compares his or her level of ability in a predefined list of competencies by rating themselves against a specific scenario. Each scenario highlights a specific skill that makes up the overall competency. This same set of questions is also answered by a set number of colleagues, clients, bosses, etc. in order to get a full (or 360 degree) view of the skill of the individual as perceived by others as well as him or herself.

 SMP Barkodai

SMP barkodai


This file contains the main description of the newmodule module. Usually, it's used to explain the main features of the activity, with a natural language. Also, the overall process of the activity is detailed here with its pedagogical foundation.

From a developer perspective, this "help" directory will contain simple html files like this that you will be able to link from newmodule code when any sort of explanation is necessary (it's easier to add those links automatically, both from the formslib stuff (see mod_form.php) and from everywhere else (see the helpbutton() function).

Also, don't forget to add one link to this help file from the newmodule/help "index.html" file, it will allow Moodle to show all the existing help files related to the module when the complete list of available help files is requested.

Please, replace me with the real information about the newmodule!


    With this module you can survey your students with a custom survey.


Įsisavinant kurso medžiagą, veikla forumuose gali būti pati svarbiausia - būtent forumuose vyksta daugelis diskusijų. Forumai gali būti sumodeliuoti įvairiais būdais, ir gali leisti studentams reitinguoti vienas kito pasisakymus. Žinutės gali būti pateiktos įvairiais formatais, be to, prie jų gali būti prisegamos rinkmenos. Užsiregistravusieji forume kiekvieną naują žinutę gali gauti elektroniniu paštu. Dėstytojo pageidavimu naujos žinutės gali būti siunčiamos visiems studentams.


This file contains the main description of the newmodule module. Usually, it's used to explain the main features of the activity, with a natural language. Also, the overall process of the activity is detailed here with its pedagogical foundation.

From a developer perspective, this "help" directory will contain simple html files like this that you will be able to link from newmodule code when any sort of explanation is necessary (it's easier to add those links automatically, both from the formslib stuff (see mod_form.php) and from everywhere else (see the helpbutton() function).

Also, don't forget to add one link to this help file from the newmodule/help "index.html" file, it will allow Moodle to show all the existing help files related to the module when the complete list of available help files is requested.

Please, replace me with the real information about the newmodule!